Saturday, March 21, 2009

She's Got What It Takes

Not much can better bond two women than a good eye roll over another woman, arriving late to a business meeting, pushing her cleavage in front of her.

It seems like we should be beyond that but we're not. (Okay, I'm not.)

I know there are a few different philosophies on this. One is that women should wear whatever they damn please and there shouldn't be any eye rolling. Another philosophy is that women should wear whatever they damn please, but it's not going to get them any special benefits.

I don't subscribe to either. It's quite simple for me: cleavage is about sexy and sexy doesn't belong in the office. We also live in NH and for a good 8 months of the year, it's just too cold to expose that much skin; for that reason alone someone who does it should be identified as an idiot. World Class.

I know it still works for some women though. I worked with one over the last few years who became known as "[So-And-So] And-Her-Big-Boobs." Even the guys called her that. "Call "[So-And-So] And-Her-Big-Boobs and ask her if she (and her big boobs) can make it to the meeting." Despite such a damning nickname (or I guess, in light of), and even though I never, ever once heard one thing escape her mouth that could be considered even remotely smart or thoughtful, her career has been absolutely meteoric.

When do you think men will wake up and realize there's a class action suit here? Don't you think if one of them showed up to a business meeting sporting plumber's butt, they'd be out on their butt in a nanosecond?

I doubt it will happen because too many of them want to protect their view, but don't you agree?


SMC said...

Hmmmmm.. you are right that it is eye-roll worthy. But it is sort of like those kids who get their hair shaved into a mohawk and then want to know why people are staring.

I would be all for sexy if I could pull it off, but the freckles are a non-starter in the sexy department. It is one more weapon in the cache. If men are dumb enough to fall for it, well... the worse for them. Should you hide your brains under a bushel basket too? And think about the type of man who falls for it anyways- they deserve to be taken advantage of.

Do I do it? NO! Too embarrassing... and not that showing too much skin is embarrassing, but that pulling it off poorly is embarrassing.

My favorite euphemism for cleavage is how my brother-in-law refers to one of my sisters: "Will Abby's be coming over too?"

JeannieBoBeanie said...

nice knockers babe!

SMC said...

Did you change your titles to hot pink?

JAF said...

SMC, considering that at least half the workforce we know is populated with women at this point, and a lot of men are evolved enough to think it's stupid, it's probably a weapon you're using against yourself. I changed the titles to hot pink a few posts ago and then changed the main title yesterday when I posted, because I felt like hot pink was in order. I still can't decide what to do with the look or address. Maybe I should just use the cleavage.

JBoBe -- You never disappoint!

Michael Hawes said...

There is a time and a place for everything and also there is proper attire for all situations. I guess it depends on what that person is shooting for. The proper business woman look or the slutty business woman look. When can you start wearing white shoes again? After Easter isn't it?