Rock Salt & Wild Flowers- is this a comment on city gardening?
Changing your front yard to wildflowers? Not to by too discouraging, but wildflowers are best viewed from a distance (say in a car going 60 mph.) Up close you will find that they are widely spaced and interspersed with grass. And flowers bloom for certain periods and then go the whole thing will look like grass.
I take things very personally and have a finely tuned, particularly heightened sense of injustice. I can become just as outrageously indignant over minor infractions as I can major ones. I am a consummate overreactor and I am pretty sure that when things work out, it's only because I worried enough.
Rock Salt & Wild Flowers- is this a comment on city gardening?
Changing your front yard to wildflowers? Not to by too discouraging, but wildflowers are best viewed from a distance (say in a car going 60 mph.) Up close you will find that they are widely spaced and interspersed with grass. And flowers bloom for certain periods and then go the whole thing will look like grass.
Is you goal low maintenance?
Okay- enough with the announcements. When do we get to see the new blog?
The blog won't be new - just the address will. I have to figure out how to explain the address though.
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