Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm Taking A Stand

I think words that aren't regularly used in the spoken language should be banned from print. I'm tired of the word "roil." I don't ever hear anyone use it but I see it all the time in the paper and I'm tired of it. Try Googling the word ROIL with the New York Times. Ha. A million hits if you get one. It's not a convenient word to use. It doesn't roll off your tongue and if it springs to mind, it certainly isn't easily placed gracefully into a sentence. I've had it.


SMC said...

I think I finally disagree with you- mostly because I find words fascinating. The height of intellectual prowess (for me) is to pun in Latin. That being said- what are the alternatives to "roil?" Vex? Make Turbid? Foul? Agitate? Suddenly roil starts looking pretty good. Maybe your problem is the phonics end of it? I know I personally hate taking that extra second or two as I am writing to rerun the old "i before e, except after c" rhyme in my head. Spelling agitate is much easier. Or maybe you should try backing onto Maple Street again- sort of puts reading annoyances into perspective. I save my ire for ridiculous author photos.

JAF said...

Thanks to you and your post I now have coffee in my nose from laughing. I should clarify -- I also find words fascinating and love a good turn of phrase. The problem I have with a word like ROIL is that no one ever uses it when they talk but it's completely overused in print, especially in the New York Times. (Hello, get a new word!) By the way, when was the last time you used the word "vex?"

SMC said...

All that being said... I was reading my Atlantic Monthly and there, featured prominently, was the word ROIL in an article AND a reader's letter. Ack! It is like the theme song to the Brady Bunch- Roil, Roil, Roil. Make it go away!

Vex? Never. That is a baby word. I prefer "pique."

By the way- isn't my profile photo a good approximation of a ridiculous author photo- the perfect tilt of the head, just enough tooth to gum ratio?

JAF said...

First off, now you see what I mean by ROIL. These are supposed to be some of the best writers in the country and we get stuck with this stupid word every issue? Give us something new. Second, I think your photo is perfect but I've never been too bothered by author photos. Can't wait for enlightenment via your next post.

Mim said...

I actaully like and use Irk.

So I think vex is a second cousin or something. Roil. Hmmm, sounds a bit irksome to me.