Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poorly Written Observations of the Second Kind

I think the world is pretty much divided up into three different kinds of people.

First, there are the kind who have healthy self-awareness, are directed by good prioritization and their own principles. They know their flaws; they try to keep them in check by operating with some self-restraint but they don't concern themselves too much with thinking about them, or those of other people. In fact, sometimes I really wonder what they think about all the time.

Then, there are the kind of people who have what would otherwise be good self-awareness, if they were not so preoccupied with it that they weren't talking about it all the time. They obsess about what's wrong with themselves, what's right with themselves, why other people are wrong or right about what's right or wrong about themselves. They are pretty much directed by what other people might think or won't think or said or didn't say or would say or wouldn't say, and figure that if someone didn't throw down a red carpet and flowers before them, they hate them.

And then there are the others. They have absolutely NO self-awareness at all and are virtually insufferable.

The problem is that the first kind gets a huge kick out of the second kind and doesn't necessarily even notice the third kind.

The second kind is really bothered by the fact that they can't be like the first kind and the third kind bugs the crap out of them.

The third kind is oblivious.

I bet you know what kind I consider myself to be. I've thought about it a lot.

What kind are you?


SMC said...

I am definately #2. My self awareness is a tremendous burden, but I despise the #3s. I think testosterone has something to do with the threeness of people. Sexist but true.... it takes a certain level of arrogance to not care what others think.

Michael Hawes said...

I don't know what kind I am. I have just gone along with the flow of life letting it take me where ever it wanted to. I have always thought of myself as a special person because after all I am a Hawes boy. People are who they are. Some are a--holes, others aren't. Some are likeable a--holes, some aren't. Everyone is formed by their genes and what has happened to them over time. After my midlife crisis, which I think everyone has, I realized that I was not perfect. What a letdown. Now I ponder the big question. Why are we here? What is our purpose here. To write blogs????

JAF said...

SMC, I think you are a 2, too -- although, you jump to 1 sometimes...and, I think men are predisposed to being 3s but are less insufferable for it.

AND...YES! I think we are here to BLOG, play chuzzle, criticize other people's shoes, and complain about people who start their sentences with, "you know what your problem is?".....wait, this sounds like another post. Michael T. Hawes, I think you're up to it and lay down the challenge!

Mim said...

I think people are also able to evolve to different levels.I don't know what i am, i suppose it really doesn't matter. Maybe a 2.43?

JeannieBoBeanie said...

Honestly, I do not know when you find the time to think this stuff up... that being said - I am a #1 - When I look up from my glass of wine that is... OH.. and my blog post is almost 1/2 way done... and perhaps my next year.. will be completely done! said...

I am all three- though I am surrounded by #3's! Italians are the OG's (original gangstas) of the threes. Walking down the street, two will block the sidewalk chatting. When they see oncoming people they will not move to the side or make room. They will continue to be completely oblivious to the obvious obstruction they cause. They need to be stopped!

Michael Hawes said...

My enraged friend, I don't know if I have ever said to anyone, "you know what your problem is..." If someone requires a statement like that then it is already to late for their salvation and they don't have a clue.

Sheila Dugan said...

I think I am a 2 I am aware of my flaws but yet I don't make them my main focus of life. I just try to correct and move on.